Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

maybe worthy is not the right word at all

November 7, 2014 | maybe worthy is not the right word at all

i’ve been thinking about worth, and how so many of us have trouble believing that we’re worthy.

what if worthy isn’t the right word at all?

i looked up worthy in the dictionary.

there are definitions like these:

deserving, or having sufficient worth.
honorable or admirable.
having adequate merit, character, or value.

deserving and good are its synonyms. no-good, undeserving, valueless & worthless are its antonyms.

we assign measures of worth in our daily lives.

it’s not worth it.
it is worth it.
s/he’s a worthy candidate.
it’s a worthy cause.

all of this is based on judgment or comparison.

we might want to believe (or remember) that we are inherently worthy, but we keep reminding ourselves there is an opposite.

it’s no wonder my default is (still) (often) to focus on what i’m doing, instead of who i’m being. i want to prove that i do have worth, that i do have value, even if i don’t always believe there is a judge.

i want to use a new word.

why do i try to believe (or remember) that i am worthy, when there is no possibility of my being unworthy at all?

maybe this:

i am just right.

(i was created like this, so there must be a purpose to it & it must be right.)

or this:

i am valued.

(i value myself, and i can believe that source does too.)

or maybe there is just this:

i am.

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10 comments... (add a comment)

  1. I so appreciate your words here!

    I like “I am” the best – that says it all.

  2. Oh, friend. May you always feel your value, your worth, your incredible gifts.

  3. elizabeth

    Jerry: I am! You are!

    Relyn: Mostly, I do. May it be so. For all of us.

  4. Helen

    Never thought about the word worthy like that, love your take on it! And yes, you are:)

  5. YES you are! And me and so are we.

  6. Pingback: Inspiration to Open Your Heart - Kira Elliott

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