Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

If you are a dreamer, come in.

This is your invitation to join me in the Story Club.

The Story Club is a collection of six tiny + lighthearted stories.

The stories will come to you, flying swiftly + easily into your email inbox.

Cost: $1

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You’ll receive stories of magic + mystery.

In the puddle was a tiny faery. He was dressed all in green, carried a bow lightly in one hand, and had a head full of fiery red curls.

The faery looked up at me and his eyes twinkled. He pulled an arrow from his quiver, nocked the arrow in his bow, and pulled his arm back.

You’ll receive stories of enchantment + wonder.

Jack was sitting on the couch one late fall morning, idly staring out the window, when he saw the tree in front of the window pull its roots out of the ground and walk away.

You’ll receive stories of lighthearted cheer + delight.

Before the puppy could even bark with astonishment, he was flying!

He flew up the stairs, out the open bedroom window, and continued on through the neighborhood.

If you are looking for length + depth + morals, the Story Club is not for you.

These are the simple stories that children tell.

You know, the stories that go “and then and then and then” and end unexpectedly.

But isn’t that just like life?

Something happens & then something else happens & then something else happens.

We are the ones applying meaning to all of it.

You won’t find these stories in stores.

You can’t go to the library and check them out.

They are stories that are just between you and me.

Want to hear what other people are saying?

“Please share, so more & more people can be touched by this badly needed magic.”
“It had me spellbound.”
“Oh my. Get this published! It is so lovely!”
“Just exquisite. A perfect story.”
“You have a gift for storytelling.”
“Wow! I love it.”
“I am going to print them all to read to my granddaughter!”
“This is my all time favorite story.”
“Such a delight!!! And just what I needed this afternoon – thank you for the delicious smiles.”

If you are a dreamer, join me in the Story Club!

If the time is right, I would be honored to welcome you.

Cost: $1

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Here’s how it will work.

  1. Click buy now and complete your purchase using PayPal. (You can use a credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.)
  2. After you complete your payment, you’ll be directed to a page where you can download a pdf with the stories. You’ll also receive an email with the download link.

a postscript for busy + loving parents.

When I first conceived the idea of the Story Club, I had you in mind. Want to hear why?

My stories are rated G, and always appropriate for children.

Questions? Can I help?

If you have a question that’s not answered here, email me: eahalt (at) mac (dot) com.

Feel like sharing this?

Oh, you made me smile. Here is a Pinterest-friendly image and some buttons just for you.