Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

a love letter to caregivers

June 12, 2014 | a love letter to caregivers

oh, you big-hearted person.

i am watching you, and i am awed + humbled by you.

your role is a challenging one.

i see you in the moments when you feel anxious, frustrated, or helpless.

i see you in the moments when you feel lonely, isolated, or depressed.

i see you in the moments when you feel unappreciated, misunderstood, or exhausted.

i see you in the moments when you feel scared, trapped, or tired.

i see you in the moments when you feel angry, resentful, or sad.

of course, there are good days & good moments.

moments of joy, satisfaction, and connection.

moments of delight, wonder, and sweetness.

moments of peace, growth, and appreciation.

moments of laughter, forgiveness, and ease.

and always, always, there is love.

so much love.

it is not my intent to dismiss or diminish the good by honoring + acknowledging your hard.

one does not negate the other.

my intent is simply to honor all of your feelings.

i see you. i hear you. i honor you.

i am here to bear witness to your immense love + patience + courage + resilience + compassion, even when they feel very far away.

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6 comments... (add a comment)

  1. only a caregiver might fully understand this.
    and its poignant message is wonderful.
    best to know that some of the negative feelings… and they come in spite of you…
    are from sheer exhaustion.
    it’s almost an exhaustion of the spirit.
    but you love the person with all your heart.
    and you feel you shouldn’t be tired.
    somehow it’s a dishonor in the face of their own suffering.
    you have a lot of wisdom for one so young.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you, dear Tammy, for sharing your thoughtful wisdom. Exhaustion of the spirit seems like the perfect description.

  2. stephanie

    Dearest Elizabeth~ So touched by your beautiful and compassionate words and most of all your sparkling spirit.

  3. I have such a soft spot in my heart for caregivers… maybe because I have been a hospice volunteer. I’m only there for a short time, but they are responsible for the long haul. Honestly don’t know if I could handle it. When Stu had his knees replaced I think I was more of a mess than he was. I guess we do what we have to do though. I have always wanted to have a retreat just for caregivers. I think it could be so helpful. Maybe some day. This is beautifully expressed….

    • elizabeth

      You may have been a mess, my dear, but you probably also did what was needed and were a comfort to him. xo

      p.s. I think you could create such a beautiful retreat! Someday.

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