Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

i am a storyteller

May 21, 2014 | i am a storyteller

through a series of synchronicities, i found myself telling stories at an adult foster care home on monday evening.

it was a success!

they loved my stories, and were inspired to share some of their own stories (a brave pup who was found frozen in a trap and beat the odds to bring joy to her new family, a brave grandpa who was attacked by a bear while logging and brought home both his load of wood and the bear).

i loved doing it, and felt like an official storyteller.

for the remainder of that evening, my heart was tender.

it always is when i share work that comes from my heart & soul.

but my heart was tender for another reason: i realized that i have not been valuing my stories.

i love my stories, unreasonably & exceedingly.

often, they make me giggle. sometimes, they make me cry. i think they are worth telling.

they aren’t all fantastic, to be sure. some of them are even quite terrible. and since no one thing is right for everyone, i don’t expect everyone to love them.

at the same time, on some level, i have discounted my stories – because it is me that is telling them.

telling stories comes so naturally & effortlessly to me that i think it must be like that for everyone.

but maybe, just maybe, telling stories feels natural & effortless to me because i have spent hours .. years .. decades.. telling them or preparing to tell them.

and even if i didn’t, why does it matter? why do i discount myself, or discount my stories, just because there is ease in the telling.

so here’s to the things that we do with ease.

may they ever-increase our capacity for joy + ease + pleasure.

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6 comments... (add a comment)

  1. Jerry Critter

    I don’t think self-doubt every goes away. Hopefully, we just learn better and better ways of dealing with it.

  2. i have never known why you don’t think of yourself as an original story teller…
    at least until now!
    i think
    story tellers … good ones …
    and you are one …
    are born.
    elizabeth. a story teller.

  3. elizabeth

    Jerry: I hope so!

    Tammy: It is funny because story teller can be quite literal. As in, a teller of stories. And I am indeed a teller of stories! Thank you for your kind words, my dear. p.s. There is the beginning of a Story Club story in my head about a girl named Tammy!

  4. VERY exciting, Elizabeth! Maybe word of mouth will spread more good news of your stories and you’ll be telling stories to children at libraries and schools…OOOooo… YES!! You are a natural with creative expression, Elizabeth… embrace your gift and keep sharing it. :o) ((HUGS))

  5. Sherron

    Elizabeth, I know exactly what you mean about discounting things that are easy for you. I tend to think that most of us do that. I know I do! I am often surprised to learn that something I do that is easy for me is difficult for other people. I don’t know why. The opposite certainly isn’t true!

    I am so glad you had such a wonderful experience with storytelling. I hope you have many more!

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