Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

a new year’s blessing + current snow conditions

January 2, 2014

a threshold. a secret door. a swiftly tilting planet.

welcome to 2014!

may the new year bring you joy, pleasure, deep connection, a feeling of being held & supported, and a sense of your incredible being-ness.

in other news.

these photos were taken two days apart: december 30th and today.

i just can’t get over all the white.

i think we are on track for a record snowfall. there are snowbanks that are higher than my head. two days ago, there was probably a foot of snow on the ground by morning. i shoveled for my dad yesterday and it took me two hours.

you can tell that i am not jaded.

my two hours of shoveling felt like thirty minutes.

my dad and brothers did all the shoveling when i was growing up, and my dad still does all the shoveling. when i get the chance to shovel myself, it is a privilege and a pleasure and not a chore. (atlas watches me out the window and i wave at him every time i look in his direction. on zero degree days, he has no interest in joining me outdoors.) also, i find it very gratifying. i love straight lines and order and neatness.

what is your winter like?

i’d love to hear.

7 comments... (add a comment)

  1. our winter is the winter of the prairie…
    cold then mild then terribly cold and always dry. and always windy! 35mph last night with 45 to 50 mph gusts. temp 19 degrees. with the wind chill… somewhere below zero.
    bless the beasties out in that. and in your white wonderland too.
    it’s just so very beautiful all the whiteness.
    and… I LOVE the last two pictures with color you’ve done. they look like abstract paintings! xo
    and a nose smoosh for my silver boy who loves to watch the shoveling! he’s smart!

    • elizabeth

      Oh my goodness, that is a STRONG wind! I have been noticing what a difference the wind makes. It is so fascinating to me how a warmer temp with wind can feel so much colder than a colder temp with no wind. Stay warm!!!

      Atlas is indeed smart. He came out to check on me toward the end of the two hours. He sniffed me a few times, and then went to the door and waited to be let inside. Apparently he just wanted to make sure I was still breathing. I giggled at him and let him in.

  2. elizabeth

    I just realized that there are three days between December 30th and January 2nd! Oops. Clearly all of my brain cells did not come with me into the new year. That’s what happens when your sister convinces you to try to eat 12 grapes – 1 with each stroke of the clock – at midnight. :)

  3. Winter? Is it winter? Oh yea, it gets dark early. And a little chill in the morning. Other than that, pretty much like summer. Which has its pros and cons. I love seeing all your snowiness… not sure how I would deal with it though. You are a trooper!!

    • elizabeth

      Ha! Pros and cons for sure.

      It turns out that I am hardier than I thought. Also, there is a part of me who revels in this. :) You can experience the snow vicariously through my photos ~ and I’ll probably be very jealous of you in late January.

  4. We’ve already had our winter ice storm. You may have heard about it because I think it made national news. Our cities are ill-prepared for ice and snow, so what would be normal winter weather in Michigan shuts North Texas down completely. Right now, we’re having highs in the 40s and 50s and it’s sunny. You are so right about the wind! Yesterday, it was 40 degrees and still sunshiny when I left work, but the wind sure made me glad I had a warm coat and gloves on!

    • elizabeth

      I did! Also, I know just what you mean. My mom remembers the time I called her crying after driving in a snowstorm in Portland because I was so shook up. I kept thinking, “But I’ve driven in MUCH worse!” Except when cities aren’t prepared for snow and ice, and they get some, it really is worse than when a city that is prepared gets some, no matter how much or how little they get.

      Enjoy your sunshine for me, please! And your pups can have a nice run for Atlas.

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