Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

soul meet body

July 9, 2013

once upon a time, there was a tiny puppy. he had big blue eyes, silvery grey fur, and velvety soft ears.

the thing no one knew about this puppy was that his coat was actually a soul. it was a beautiful soul. his job was to keep the soul safe until the person he was holding it for realized that it was hers.

it took her a few years to realize that her soul was lost and to find it again but her soul was there beside her all along, caring for her, watching over her with love, waiting to be reunited.

on the day she welcomed her soul home again, there was a silent clap of thunder and a chorus of hallelujahs.

even without the soul, the puppy’s coat was silvery grey and beautiful. the only change was the addition of two tiny dim spots on his shoulders where the soul had been connected.

the end.

if you like this story, you might like the story club.

think fruit of the month club, only instead of fruit, it holds tiny stories that remind you of joy, magic & wonder.

i am especially fond of the story club because i created it to be something in which you both give and receive. when you join, you get to invite a friend to join with you. and, part of the cost goes to help me gift subscriptions to children in the hospital.

it is going to be magical.

won’t you come and join me in the story club?

i would love to have you!

2 comments... (add a comment)

  1. i’m having difficulty with my email off and on so will note to you here… now watch.
    i’ll go there and it will be working! oh well.
    i’m signing up for the story club for ~ me!
    a little treat. i dearly love your stories.
    and i’m getting the atlas postcards for the marine. i’ve sent a letter with the check as usual! xoxo
    truly i still think they would make a book e.
    and a beautiful one.

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