Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

how to hang art, volume 2

June 16, 2013

{an irregular series inspired by my love for creating beautiful spaces, also known as interior design: volume 1}

As usual, I will preface this by saying that in all things, your taste and choice prevails. Whether everyone (or anyone) else agrees with it or not.

Today’s tip: When hanging art in a series, even-numbered series usually have more options than odd.

If you have a number of pieces of art that you want to group together without spending a lot of time arranging them, here are my quick and easy suggestions.

If you have an even number of pieces, hang them in one or more even-numbered rows.

If you use more than one row, you can align the columns or you can stagger them.

(If you are a lazy perfectionist, and the frames are identical in size and shape, I suggest the staggered approach. It’s more forgiving.)

The easy exception to this would be if two of the pieces are much larger than the others, in which case you can hang the smaller pieces in rows and then hang the large pieces on the left and right sides.

If you have an odd number of pieces, hang them in a single row.

A single row of art in a straight line always looks lovely.

The easy exception to this would be if one of the pieces is much larger than the others, in which case you can hang that piece in the center and then arrange the smaller pieces along the left and right sides.

A single row of art at a diagonal works well and is relatively easy to do when you are hanging the pieces along a staircase.

These three photographs are at a slight diagonal to mirror the pieces on the wall behind them. Otherwise, I would have used a straight line, aligning them by their center, not the top or bottom.

Of course, there are lots of other options, but I promised quick and easy.

Feel free to disagree or discuss.

I’d love to hear from you.

And if you are ever stuck on where or how to hang something and you want some suggestions, you are welcome to email me pictures and ask for ideas.

6 comments... (add a comment)

  1. VERY nice, Elizabeth! And I very much agree with these options. I especially like the idea of a larger work/pieces flanked by small group(s) of complimenting pieces. This series makes me suddenly rehang all the art around here. ;o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

  2. LOVE the simplicity of your choice in frames.
    lets the art show to advantage. beautiful!

    • elizabeth

      I really like both sets. I have another grouping in the bedroom with a smaller version of those same white frames.

  3. Can I write about this on my twitter?

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