Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

ramblin’ man

May 14, 2012

have i mentioned that i love graffiti? i do. i really do.

a friend of mine is living with me for the moment. over the years, i’ve occasionally worried that i was too old and too set in my ways to enjoy living with someone, but it turns out that i worried for nothing. living with a dear friend is really wonderful and i feel so lucky to have the opportunity. also, i am learning to enjoy the smell of coffee in the morning. i have decided that this bodes well for the future.

on a not entirely unrelated note – since you can live with roommates or significant others – if you happen to be single (and looking), i heartily recommend reading getting naked by harlan cohen. i saw it on a table of books at b&n and the title made me smile so i picked it up. the letters and replies he included (he’s an advice columnist) made me laugh so much that i bought the book. it is seriously the funniest and most useful book on relationships i’ve ever read. plus, i have managed to apply it to friendship and work. fair warning, my conversation is now peppered with, “as harlan says ..” or “i suspect harlan would say ..” yes, we are apparently on a first name basis. he is changing my life, one person at a time.

want to know how to make the best green smoothie? you need kale, a banana, and strawberries. first, slice the banana and eat the slices with a nutella-like spread. (the cocoa almond spread from trader joe’s is really good.) second, add the kale to a salad and top it with lots of thousand island dressing. third, eat the berries with sugar and cake and ice cream or whipped cream. de-licious.

how’s your monday so far?

6 comments... (add a comment)

  1. I will have to check out that book when we’re Stateside soon–sounds fun! Enjoy the time with you friend being with you, Elizabeth…And thanks for the recipe tip. ;o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

  2. Helen

    heehee..i have to comment on the “too old and set in my ways” :)
    my monday is going good, last monday of class! it’s both happy and sad as the day of leaving is drawing closer for many of mis amigas..and me, i guess:(

  3. elizabeth

    tracy: haha! you’re welcome. if you come up with your own variations, do share.

    helen: happy and sad indeed. love you!

  4. tammy j

    i got a kick out of your smoothie recipe.
    i got on the green smoothie train and am currently burned out on them. i like your recipe better!
    welcome to your room mate. “must love dogs!”
    tammy j

  5. Julie M.

    COOL. I am a fellow lover of graffiti. I admire the painted train cars that go by, all-the-while knowing what a headache it must be for them to clean it off and repaint!

  6. I love graffiti too ~ there was a great exhibit of street artists here in Los Angeles last year I still think about. It’s also one of the things I most enjoy about exploring Venice Beach.

    Happy you are enjoying your roommate and the aroma of morning coffee ~ one of life’s great pleasures.

    Best ever green smoothie recipe. 😉

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