Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

moments of beauty

March 9, 2012


i am sinking into the memory of recent moments of beauty.

the warmth of sunshine on my skin. the feeling of spaciousness. a spoonful of marscapone & pine nut gelato. the happy sigh of the pup as i tuck the blanket around him. a flash of blue as a bluebird flies past me. the sky at twilight. the warm yellow light on the trees during golden hour. a hug from a friend. laughter. the feeling of possibility. a sparkling and dancing river. puppies. walls of windows. the sound of rain on the roof. the chill crisp morning air. settling into my body. the tweet-tweeeeeeeeet-tweet of a bird outside my window. the feeling of belonging. the deep throaty call of the owl. coming across a secret staircase in a hilly neighborhood. getting a glimpse of my inner space as a very old belief clears and seeing it as vast and endless and expansive. the bright green color and fresh taste of steamed broccoli.

i’d love it if you shared some of your moments of beauty in the comments!

4 comments... (add a comment)

  1. Tracy

    Ooo… delicious moments of beauty list, Elizabeth… And I’m hooked on the thought of that marscapone & pine nut gelato. ;o)
    My beauty list today so far– gunpowder green tea in my cup * sunshine stripe on my yoga mat * zingy cranberry granola * Charlie-kitty curled at my feet under my worktable * scratch of my pen across my journal page, pen & page-my friends * hubby sending me an email while at work, just because * homemade pizza sauce simmer on the stove now-lots of little pots of it to go in the freeze * james morrison’s voice lifting my afternoon via Spotify * the pretty row of paint tubes lined up in the studio for tomorrow’s painting… shall I go on? ;o) LOVE your focus on beauty posts, my friend. Happy Weekend ((HUGS)) P.S. thanks for your sweet convo via Etsy!

  2. tammy j

    awakening yesterday morning to the sound of fine soft life giving rain. heaven to our parched earth here!
    today the delight of sunlight streaming through my bedroom window making lovely slants and shadows on my bed and walls…light is the only decor i have in there. very shaker. very calm and spare. a little sanctuary of light.
    when i opened the kitchen curtains this morning, a canteloupe’s ripe scent wafted into the air! i swear! how strange and wonderful!
    i think now i’ll partake of its golden goodness.
    i love your beauty posts. they always make me feel happy. and i place them to my favorites so i can find them again easily. thanks!
    happy friday and weekend dearest e and atlas,
    tammy j

  3. Yesterday’s was definitely going outside and discovering that the wind was warm! A total and lovely surprise.

  4. elizabeth @ retinal perspectives

    @claire: that sounds like a lovely surprise!
    @tracy: you can definitely go on! i feel like i am experiencing each one as i read it! enjoy your journal and pizza sauce and james morrison!
    @tammy: a ripe cantaloupe! mmmmmmmmmmm. i am imagining your shaker sanctuary of light. it sounds like perfection.

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