Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

the dawning of the light, volume 1

January 6, 2012



{a photo project honoring radiance, one of my words for 2012 :: 52 photos that represent radiance, 52 photos that represent luminosity.}

my words for 2012 are power and radiance.

well, they weren't exactly my words. i wanted to choose flow.

but then, back in november – when i realized that i was going to have to learn to dance with the light – power and radiance presented themselves.

when i say power, what i mean is something very much like wholeness. it is the power that comes from honoring and integrating all of me: body, mind, and spirit.

when i say radiance, what i mean is something very much like luminosity. it is not so much radiating outward as it is finding (or recognizing and owning) the instrinsic lightness inside of me.

i knew in november that that was my work for 2012, so i thought wholeness and luminosity would be my words for 2012.

as you can see, they are not. my sense at the end of the year was that there is something important about the words power and radiance, and that i need to use those words, even if what i mean when i say them seems more like wholeness and luminosity.

i was also puzzled about my photo project.

i was excited about a year with luminosity but, when i decided to use the word radiance, i figured that i would have to spend a year with radiance instead. (i am working with power through my body and physical strength.)

when i took my photo on thursday, i still hadn't decided, so i took two photos.

but then, when i was drinking tea out of my favorite mug – it has a sun on one side and a moon on the other – i realized that i could do both. radiance and luminosity seem like two facets of radiance, so it fits perfectly.

(part of me thinks that i have clearly not thought this through at all and i am going to be very sorry. the other part of me thinks that this will be fun. after all, i do love matchmaking, and i am always up for a challenge. plus, is "the dawning of the light" not the best photo project title ever?! it's so much better than a title with just radiance or just luminosity could ever be.)

14 comments... (add a comment)

  1. steph

    Yes, the title is awesome! As is the story behind it, and as are these two photos.

  2. I see flow also. In fact it could have been titled “the flowing of the light”.

  3. Marcie

    What beautiful words!! I’m sure that just writing them down like this…thinking and photographing to them – will bring you that power and flow thru that radiant light! Happy (belated) 2012!

  4. Tracy

    Power and Radiance….these are delicious words, intentions for a new year, Elizabeth–LOVE them! And I love that you’ve got a photo project to tie in with it. Go with the fun, don’t be sorry–don’t be afraid to dance with your inner light! By giving ourselves permission to accept the light, I think we then also open ourselves up to allowing more spirit and creativity to flow into and out of ourselves and connect it with others. And that’s often what’s all about, isn’t it? ;o) Cant’ wait to see how your light unfolds, my friend! Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

  5. tammy

    i love what you’ve written here. it explains “inner radiance” in a way i’ve not heard before. it’s illusive. and you know when people have it (i think you’ve had it all along) but to read it in your way is wonderful.
    and the photos above? exquisite! they capture the light of it all. wouldn’t a calendar offered at the end of the year with all your best shots of it and the dawning of the light title be so good to share with the rest of us?
    hint hint. hahahha.
    my word will still be flow. because i just have not got the hang of that in my life yet. and i want to be reminded each day. flow with it tammy. quit fighting the windmills.
    love and hugs,
    nose smooshes to atlas!

  6. julie m.

    Beautiful. They do fit together well!

  7. Perfect for you!! I struggled a lot with my word too… in the end it is a very personal choice and it will take you on a journey you do not yet know. So it’s exiting and, well, there’s always next year too, right??

  8. Mel

    Radiance, I love it, and these photos Elizabeth.
    My word chose me also (I wanted Evolve darn it… or tapas. or expand. Instead, it’s devotion. Decidedly, still somewhat uncomfortably, but getting better the more I think and write and practice…)
    Looking so forward to what 2012 holds in store for you!

  9. elizabeth @ retinal perspectives

    @mel: those sneaky sneaky words. darn it indeed. sending love to you and your year with devotion.
    @patty: you are right! there is always next year. i saw that you have a post about your word, can’t wait to come read it!
    @julie: yay! you found it! i was going to send you a link and tell you that i remembered. 😉
    @tammy: flow is such a good word. i definitely do not have the hang of it either. the thing i realized is that it didn’t have that tingle of excitement and trepidation that the right word usually gives me. it just needed focus, and i can do that whether it’s a word or not. happy to think of you working with it too! (also, love your calendar idea! noting it for reference.)
    @tracy: i hope you are right! i can always use more spirit and creativity in my life. i hope post-vacation re-entry is going well!
    @marcie: i hope so! happy 2012 to you!
    @jerry: oh! i see it too!
    @steph: yay!

  10. erin

    Your words are so true to who you are and how you are approaching the world right now. I can’t wait to see how they weave into your experiences!

  11. Again, your photos are so very beautiful… and they reflect your words perfectly. You’ve chosen some wonderful words for 2012.
    Wishing you radiant year ahead, Elizabeth!
    (I think I have a word, but I’m not sure if it has grown on me yet…going to try it on for size in January, and see if it sticks. 😉

  12. I love these photos so much. All of my cells feel luminous and radiant just looking at them!

  13. Radiance is my word, too! For me, it encompasses finding that inner radiance as well as treating my body & spirit like fabulous, wondrous beings of light, instead of the ways I’ve been treating myself.
    I love your post & I will borrow your daily photo idea to help my word grow for me. Wonderful!

  14. elizabeth @ retinal perspectives

    @raven: yay! i hope you enjoy your photo project! and i love your depiction of radiance. i like the idea of thinking of my body as a fabulous wondrous being of light, which, yes, is not really how i treat it.
    @briana: *happy sigh*
    @jaime: thank you! i like how you’re trying your word on to see if it’s right for you – may your relationship be fruitful!
    @erin: thank you!

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