Photo by Elizabeth Halt
Photo by Elizabeth Halt

i named my car serendipity

November 28, 2011






which has nothing to do with anything, only i felt like sharing it.

apparently i am on an iphone kick. i took my iphone and atlas on an errand to the light bulb store on mississippi ave and then we wandered around the neighborhood afterward. does that second photo not make you think of the book the secret garden? i thought so.

remember when i shared my opinions about diet coke and pickles? well, here's the next topic that needs to be discussed. it is pumpkin and raisins, people; not pumpkin and chocolate chips.

everywhere i go, every autumn, there are pumpkin-y things that include chocolate. i do not understand this combination. it's too sweet and too dry (the dry part probably makes no sense to anyone but me but i can't think of a better way to explain it).

pumpkin and raisins, on the other hand, are a perfect combination. it is not too sweet and the raisins make the dough a little juicy. my most favorite cookies in the world are pumpkin raisin cookies. i can eat an entire batch in one sitting. sometimes i do. (i suppose that's obvious, or else i wouldn't know that i could.)

i used to discuss this with the great harvest bread store. every year, they made a pumpkin bread with chocolate chips. every year, i would explain to them that it needed to include raisins, not chocolate chips. alas, they never quite agreed. sometimes they agreed that raisins would be good, but they said that people really seemed to like the chocolate.

i find this so strange. why would you eat pumpkin and chocolate when you could eat pumpkin and raisins? pumpkin and raisins for everyone, i say!

11 comments... (add a comment)

  1. tammy

    where have i been!!!
    i’ve never even heard of pumpkin and chocolate!
    i vote for pumpkin and raisins. that’s a cookie my gram used to make. delicious. she lived in new york. is it an east coast thing?
    anyone who can sell the world on peanut butter picklewiches needs to be listened to!
    they obviously just don’t know what’s good.
    tammy j

  2. Ann Bimberg

    I’d vote for the pumpkin/raisin coalition.

  3. Tracy

    WONDERFUL photos, Elizabeth… really loving the magic of those top two…I’d like to go to those worlds right now. I love pumpkin…in anything. But because I’m on the fence about pumpkin w/chocolate vs. pumpkin w/raisins… I bake both ways. Each way tastes good. This is one rare things I cannot decide on…LOL! ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  4. I’m so glad to read this! No, seriously: I’ve been saying for about five years now (since the pumpkin/chocolate combo really came into vogue) that it was ridiculous. Why on earth would I want the taste of squash with the taste of chocolate? IT MAKES NO SENSE. Pumpkin and raisins, though? I can totally get behind that.

  5. Did you really name your car? I love that. My 16 year old son has a black truck. The other day he told me he didn’t feel like he had bonded with his truck yet, and he felt this was because he could not think of a name for his truck. (I have to say I loved this conversation with him because this was totally something I would say.) A few days later he announced he had named his truck “Thunder”. Very fitting, I thought. I adore my son…he’s a creative soul. :)
    Oh, and the pumpkin and raisins sound yummy!

  6. elizabeth @ retinal perspectives

    @tricia: i did! i’ve been trying to think of a name for ages now but couldn’t find the right one. this feels perfect. i love your conversation and his name – i hope he soon feels that bond!
    @tracy: what a clever idea! if i didn’t absolutely absolutely prefer raisins, i would try that myself!
    @kylie: you are clearly a kindred spirit! i tip my hat to you.
    @ann: yay! i appreciate your vote! 😉
    @tammy: i wonder. we lived in the midwest and my mom made them. maybe it was a finnish thing? or not. i don’t know if finns eat pumpkin or raisins, lol.

  7. Helen

    i wasn’t going to comment on this because i felt like i didn’t belong in the comment section because everyone was agreeing with you. but then i realized that i had to stand up for my side:) pumpkin+raisins=EEW!

  8. elizabeth @ retinal perspectives

    @helen: of course you can chime in! i love that you love pumpkin & chocolate – even as i still want none of it. 😉

  9. Jen

    oohhh, i love your apps! look like hipstamatic. are you on instagram?

  10. Carry Bacot

    I like Serendipity. I bet people would ask for ‘the story behind the name’ once you tell them your ride’s name. Hehe. I remember naming my first car Albert. I don’t know, it just sort of popped into my head. Hehe. I love your photos. May I ask what app you used?

  11. Tyra Shortino

    I guess naming your car makes you more attached to it. Serendipity is a nice, warm name. Hmmm, I wonder if you met your car by chance.

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